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TipToi educational games from 6 years in comparison
What are Tiptoi educational games?
Tiptoi from Ravensburger are different learning games, which are available in book, board game or movement game variants. We present some of them in this article for comparison.With the Tiptoi learning games, children can playfully learn age-appropriate knowledge. By combining the electronic pen with creatively designed books, board games or movement games, children are provided with interesting and adventurous learning games. The pen has a speaker and plays sounds, noises and music when tapping on a picture or text. In addition, the pen offers a recording function with which children can be creative themselves. With the help of the Tiptoi learning games, children learn combinatorics, general knowledge, school knowledge and creativity through play. Children solve age-appropriate puzzles and follow easy-to-understand instructions.
Since the pen is not included with the individual books and games, the [url="https://www.produck.de/link/JR",name="Starter-set with the creative book "Die verrückte Weltreise"",title=""] can be used as a starter. The game is available for 42,09€, as the electronic pen is included. Additional books and games are then available starting at around 15€.
The games do not require an Internet connection and can therefore be used on the go. The [url="https://www.produck.de/link/JI",name="pen case",title=""] is useful for protecting the game and keeping the pen neat and handy.
The games come with different stories and as a board game, book or creative book. Below I present several games for children 6 years and older.

We learn the clock - board game
In the story behind [url="https://www.produck.de/link/JS",name=""We learn the clock"",title=""], the boy Emil goes through various everyday situations at specific times. Children learn to correctly learn the clock with hours and minutes and can learn the clock times with analog as well as digital clock. The game helps children especially because they can link the different daily situations with the corresponding clock times. The game plan can change between a school day and a vacation. The game helps children develop a sense of time, learn to read the clock, and generate a better understanding of the rhythm of the day. 1-4 players aged 6 - 9 can participate in the game. The board game is available for 13,99€ ([url="https://www.produck.de/link/JS",name="Link",title=""]).
The secret of the logic pyramid - board game
In the story of [url="https://www.produck.de/link/JT",name=""The Mystery of the Logic Pyramid"",title=""], teammates are challenged to find a treasure hidden in a pyramid. To find the treasure, age-appropriate logic puzzles must be solved. For example, they are looking for which symbol is missing in the row. Special is that the game is built in 3D and so shows a pyramid with secret passages. To play this game, children should already have a basic understanding of numbers, because some puzzles work with simple number sequences. Children learn in this game especially concentration, combination skills and logical thinking. The game is suitable for 1 - 4 children with 6 - 10 years and is available for 13,99€ ([url="https://www.produck.de/link/JT",name="Link",title=""] ).
Calculation fun with pocket money - board game
In the story for [url="https://www.produck.de/link/JU",name=""Calculating Fun with Pocket Money"",title=""], the players go on a city trip and buy various items with their pocket money. The pocket money can be earned by the players solving math problems in the playground. The Tiptoi pen supports giving the money and accepting change. Children learn to read the different prices and calculate whether they can afford the different items with their pocket money. Children practice arithmetic, an understanding of money management and the basics of shopping in this game. To play this game, children should already have a basic understanding of numbers to be able to solve the simple math problems. The game is suitable for 1 - 4 players with 6 - 10 years and costs 12,60€ ([url="https://www.produck.de/link/JU",name="Link",title=""]).
German 1st grade - book
In the book [url="https://www.produck.de/link/JV",name=""German 1st grade"",title=""] children Leon and Luisa experience different adventures with the funny monster Kritzel. In the process, the children are given various tasks that they can solve with the help of the Tiptoi pen. This book is an exercise book based on the 1st grade curriculum. The tasks can also be done individually. Although the story surrounds the practice tasks, the learning in German is the main focus here. The book is suitable for children who attend the 1st grade. The price is 19,99€ ([url="https://www.produck.de/link/JV",name="Link",title=""]).
Math 1st grade - book
The book [url="https://www.produck.de/link/JW",name=""Math 1st Grade"",title=""] is also a practice book for 1st grade math material. The children Mia and Felix experience different adventures from everyday life with the monster Matzi. Children learn, for example, to order numbers by size or to solve math problems. The book is suitable for children who attend the 1st grade. The price is 19,99€ ([url="https://www.produck.de/link/JW",name="Link",title=""]).
Elves need adventure - creative book
In the Creative Book series, children can use the recording function of the Tiptoi pen to make up their own stories, sounds and songs. This helps children learn creativity, language skills and self-confidence. In the story about [url="https://www.produck.de/link/JX",name=""Fairies Need Adventure"",title=""], Diana the fairy goes on a journey through the fairy forest with her friends because she is looking for an adventure. With the recording function, children can help shape the story themselves by inventing speech texts for the characters, finishing rhymes, and making up funny sounds and songs. The book is suitable for children aged 6 to 9 and costs €19.99 ([url="https://www.produck.de/link/JX",name="Link",title=""] ).